Friday, 30 September 2011

Getting crafty

Usually in Autumn, it's time to snuggle in and start getting crafty with some knitting or baking. But sitting here in shorts it's a bit hard to get into that mind set. No complaining here though - this must be what it's like to live in California!
Anyway, this event looks like a great way to get into the crafting spirit - I declare an interest, as I work for the Trust, but still! There is no excuse for any Glaswegian vintage fans - pop along and update your skills, plus revel in the details of the period interior at Miss Toward's Garnethill flat.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Sensible shoes

I think there is a good debate to be had about the best shoes to fit with the heritage trend.
Brogues are clearly the front runners, and there are lots around. Dune have some lovely styles for around £60, but if you are thinking of buying a family heirloom then Church's is the only place to go. Their website has a pleasing old-timey feel too.
However, a sturdy loafer could work well with this look too. Avoid tassles or metal detailing though and focus on quality at (almost) any cost.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Animal magic

Animal accessories are perfect for the heritage theme, to my mind. This belt is especially appropriate with its leather and brass. It's from Next of all places - I spotted it in the window and marched to buy it immediately. It works well with fabrics of all sorts and at £10, it is a really affordable way to add some quirk to your look.

Friday, 9 September 2011

All the leaves are brown

Autumn is upon us. It's my favourite season, not just because of the leaves turning, but because of the cosy fashion choices.
Heritage is the theme of this month's posts and I'm choosing this amazing jacket from NW3 to kick off the changing of the (wardrobe) season.